LETTER: I’m a lifelong Republican and I’m endorsing Emmanuel Nneji for Ulster County DA

To the Editor:

My name is Butch Dener. I have lived in Ulster County for 54 years. I have been a lifelong Republican; I was the chairman of the New Paltz Republican Party for over 25 years and a GOP Committeeman for over 4 decades.

I am endorsing Manny Nneji for district attorney for Ulster County and will be voting for him in the upcoming election on Nov. 7.

I met Manny for the first time in 1991 shortly after he became Ulster County ADA hired by former DA/Judge E. Michael Kavanagh, a Republican. I have followed his career since then, and he has been a true public servant, successfully prosecuting tough cases and making tough decisions for the safety of our community. I know he has dedicated himself and many hours each week to serving the youth of Ulster County as a volunteer soccer coach for over 32 years.

Manny has served Ulster County as ADA under Republican and Democratic administrations; there is no one running for DA that is as experienced or qualified as Manny. He has successfully prosecuted murderers, rapists, child molesters, armed burglars and robbers, domestic violence and animal cruelty. Based on his experience and the nature and diversity of his cases Manny is best qualified to lead our DA’s Office, train our young ADA’s, seek fairness and justice for the community and victims of crimes.He is not shy about the need for discretion in the exercise of the DA’s powers, and the ideas he has set out on his website (mannyforda.com) truly reflect an interest in our safety and well-being rather than a knee-jerk reaction and comments that we often hear.

Manny is not chasing ambition or legacy; he is a leader by the way he has served our community and the law. I have observed Manny in a myriad of situations both professionally and personally and he has always impressed me with how he deals with the difficult choices.

I am endorsing and voting for Manny for DA because he is the best qualified candidate for the job, and Ulster County deserves such dedicated service!

I am hopeful the Prosecutorial Justice will return to Ulster County under Manny’s leadership and we can all feel safe again in our homes.

Leon “Butch” Dener

New Paltz


Five days left in this historic campaign


LETTER: Please Join Me in Electing Manny Nneji as Ulster County District Attorney